Hi, I'm Annelien Feldtmann - the founder of Thrive


I am blessed to be a wife; mom (and stepmom); mother-in-love; daughter; sister; friend; a passionate positive professional and a lifelong dedicated student. 
During my professional career as a Chartered Accountant I have had the opportunity to perform regularity audits; performance audits; forensic investigations; managing learnerships; creating training programmes; help crafting and implementing tertiary institutions' as well as professional bodies' strategies; managing teams from diverse backgrounds who are spread across the country and even internationally and so much more.. 
Life has taught me many lessons along the way.. How to stay committed when the obstacles seem so big.. how to stay positive when things are (it seems) crumbling around you.. how to deal with grief when a loved one passes away.. how to cope as a mom and professional when you need to manage all the expectations.. how to be more kind to yourself..
Was I able to manage everything on my own? No... no-one can.. We all need a support structure.. we all need the objective, non-judgemental guidance of an expert at various points in our lives... 
What is my motto in life ?
(1) Go for gold (every day do your best), and
(2) Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Can I really help you? Yes
Contact me and decide for yourself.
The first session is free, no strings attached. After this session you will have clarity on what your goals are for the next year - guaranteed!